Friday, July 15, 2011

Full Speed Ahead

It's been just over a month since my hospitalization. At the time, I was certain that I would be forced to take an extended break from paddling and biking. Thankfully, I've been proven wrong.

After just ten days, I started paddling again - slow and easy, at first. Over time, I paddled harder and longer leading up to my first race on July 4, which I did with my son. I've since competed in two more races and I felt nearly as strong as I did in May.

After three weeks, I started biking to work again. It felt great to be on the bike again, but the fitness I was accustomed to was missing. I didn't care - that would return with time. I felt better each time I biked to work and last weekend I enjoyed a 50-mile ride with some friends.

The final hurdle was getting back on the mountain bike. Bumps and bruises and cuts and scrapes go with the territory when you're mountain biking. Being on blood thinners, this was as much a mental hurdle as it was physical. This week, I pushed the mental part aside and was reminded how much I enjoy mountain biking.

At this point, I'm just about back to where I want to be. Sure, I'm still spending too much time at the doctor, but this is just a distraction. I choose to move forward at full speed.